User talk:Tim Ross

If you message me on this page, I will reply on this page.
If I messaged you on your page, please reply there.
(But, if you want to reply somewhere else, I'll probably find your message, anyway.)

Hi there,

In advance, sorry for making my message an edit of this previous message, but I cant seem to work out how to send you my own separate one on this page.

I would like to use your photo: https://commons.wikimedia.orgview_image.php?q=User_talk:Tim_Ross&sq=Qlik&lang=&file=File:07-06_WtrAerob1a.jpg for commercial uses. I understand that this is covered by your copyright license, however I would need to see proof that this contains model release, since the people in the picture have faces that are visually recognizable. Please let me know whether this is available as soon as possible.

Many thanks,
