Vanity gallery

A vanity gallery is an art gallery that charges artists fees to exhibit their work and makes most of its money from artists rather than from sales to the public. Some vanity galleries charge a lump sum to arrange an exhibition, while others ask artists to pay regular membership fees and then promise to organize an exhibition with a certain period.[1] There is debate as to whether galleries that ask artists to contribute to expenses, e.g. by arranging for announcements of the exhibition themselves, fall into the same category.[2]

  1. ^ Kathy Gulrich (2003). 187 Tips for Artists: How to Create a Successful Art Career - and Have Fun in the Process!. smART Business Coaching. p. 57. ISBN 0-9746533-0-6.
  2. ^ Sylvia White. "Vanity Galleries, Artist Co-ops, Slides, Announcements, Juried Shows, Advertising... Just how much do I have to pay to be an artist?". Retrieved 2007-06-05.