Varus deformity

Varus deformity
Cubitus varus and cubitus valgus.

A varus deformity is an excessive inward angulation (medial angulation, that is, towards the body's midline) of the distal segment of a bone or joint. The opposite of varus is called valgus.

The terms varus and valgus always refer to the direction that the distal segment of the joint points.

For example, in a valgus deformity of the knee, the distal part of the leg below the knee is deviated outward, in relation to the femur, resulting in a knock-kneed appearance. Conversely, a varus deformity at the knee results in a bowlegged with the distal part of the leg deviated inward, in relation to the femur. However, in relation to the mid-line of the body, the knee joint is deviated towards the mid-line.