Vatican Hebrew MS 133

Vatican Hebrew MS 133 (Latin: Vaticanus Ebraeus 133 or Vat. ebr. 133), usually known in Hebrew as the Rome MS (כ״י רומי‎, K.Y. Romi), is a handwritten manuscript of a portion of the Jerusalem Talmud copied in the late 13th or early 14th centuries, containing approximately a quarter of the entire Jerusalem Talmud, Seder Zerai'm (excluding Tractate Bikkurim) and Tractate Sotah from Seder Nashim.

Vatican Hebrew MS 133 originally belonged to the Heidelberg Palatina collection, acquired in the early 16th-century, and later transferred to Rome in the 17th-century (1622), as a gift to Pope Gregory XV.[1]

  1. ^ Becker 1995, p. 330