Velocity potential

A velocity potential is a scalar potential used in potential flow theory. It was introduced by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1788.[1]

It is used in continuum mechanics, when a continuum occupies a simply-connected region and is irrotational. In such a case, where u denotes the flow velocity. As a result, u can be represented as the gradient of a scalar function Φ:

Φ is known as a velocity potential for u.

A velocity potential is not unique. If Φ is a velocity potential, then Φ + a(t) is also a velocity potential for u, where a(t) is a scalar function of time and can be constant. In other words, velocity potentials are unique up to a constant, or a function solely of the temporal variable.

The Laplacian of a velocity potential is equal to the divergence of the corresponding flow. Hence if a velocity potential satisfies Laplace equation, the flow is incompressible.

Unlike a stream function, a velocity potential can exist in three-dimensional flow.

  1. ^ Anderson, John (1998). A History of Aerodynamics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521669559.[page needed]