Vera Sell-Ryazanoff

Vera Sell-Ryazanoff (born 1951) is a Russian-German painter and philosopher. She lives and works in Berlin. Her artwork has exhibited in the Vatican Museum and can be found in numerous private collections.

The focus of her work revolves around the human being beyond the physical dimension. Although her work often deals with the human figure, the figure itself is no longer a purely physical body, but rather a metaphysical entity transcending space and time. The titles of all her works are musical, reflecting the vibration that she believes is at the source of all life. Harvard scholar and Professor of Art History at the Australian National University in Canberra, Sasha Grishin, has said of her work, "Light, which permeates all matter, is allowed to irradiate her forms, sometimes dissolving the flesh to leave only patterns and contours. Although the figure retains the centrality in her work, it is no longer a purely physical entity, but increasingly a metaphysical creation."