Verse of walaya

Memorial stone of the Shia imam Ali al-Rida, on display in the Razavi museum, Mashhad, Iran. The stone was carved by Abd-Allah ibn Ahmad in the Seljuk era. The verse of walaya is engraved on its margins.

The verse of walaya (Arabic: آيَة ٱلْوَلَايَة) is verse 5:55 of the Quran, the central religious text of Islam. This verse specifies three authorities as the only sources of walaya for Muslims. In Sunni Islam, walaya in this context signifies 'friendship' or 'support', whereas Shia Muslims interpret it as 'spiritual authority' because of its exclusivity.

The first two authorities listed in the verse are God and the Islamic prophet Muhammad. In some Sunni sources, the third authority is all Muslims, whereas Shia sources identify the third authority in this verse as Ali ibn Abi Talib, cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, citing the occasion of its revelation. In Shia Islam, this verse thus sanctions the spiritual authority of Ali over all Muslims, after God and Muhammad, and supports his (usurped) right to succeed the prophet. Other Sunni sources link this verse to Ali but reject any Shia implications.