Vilna Edition Shas

The first page of the Vilna Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Berachot, folio 2a.
Early printing of Tractate Sanhedrin, originally belonging to a synagogue in Bobruisk

The Vilna Edition of the Talmud, printed in Vilna (now Vilnius), Lithuania, is by far the most common printed edition of the Talmud still in use today as the basic text for Torah study in yeshivas and by all scholars of Judaism.

It was typeset by the Widow Romm and Brothers of Vilna.[1] This edition comprises 37 volumes and contains the entire Babylonian Talmud. In its entirety, there are 2,711 double-sided folio pages.[2] It follows the typical pagination of Bomberg printing with the Gemara and/or Mishnah centered with Rashi's commentary on the inner margin and Tosafot on the outer margin.[3] It is also flanked by other various marginal notations from various prominent Talmudists. This edition was first printed in the 1870s and 1880s, but it continues to be reproduced photomechanically worldwide.

  1. ^ "Floating Letters: The Widow Romm and the Printing Press of Vilna".
  2. ^ "Italians, Helped by an App, Translate the Talmud". The New York Times. April 6, 2016. Consisting of 2,711 double-sided pages ...
  3. ^ "Tosafot". Rashi's ... on the inside margin ... tosafot ... outside margin.