Vincenz Fettmilch

Vinzenz Fettmilch. The inscription reads: "VINCENTZ FETTMILCH RADLEINSFVRER DER AVFRVHR SO MDCXIV IN FRANCKFVRT AM MAYN ENTSTANDEN" (English: Vinzenz Fettmilch ringleader of the Fettmilch uprising of MDCXIV starting in Frankfurt am Main).

Vincenz Fettmilch (died 1616) was a grocer and gingerbread baker who led the Fettmilch uprising (1612–1616) of the guilds in Frankfurt-am-Main targeting the municipal council to determine the price of grain in an open market; disclose the special privileges of the aristocracy; and rob and expel Jews from the city whom he and his compatriots viewed as competition and usurers.[1]

  1. ^ Green, David (28 February 2016). "1616: Leaders of anti-Jewish Riot Are Executed in Germany". Haaretz. Retrieved 7 February 2021.