Virtual artifact

A virtual artifact (VA) is an immaterial object that exists in the human mind or in a digital environment, for example the Internet, intranet, virtual reality, cyberspace, etc.[1]

  1. ^ Masaki Omata, Kentaro Go, Atsumi Imamiya. A Gesture-Based Interface for Seamless Communication between Real and Virtual Worlds. 6th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All" October 2000; Dmitry Sokolov, Dimitri Plemenos and Karim Tamine. Methods and data structures for virtual world exploration. The Visual Computer Volume 22, Number 7 / July, 2006; Janet Rountree and William Wong. Learning to Look: Real and Virtual Artifacts. Educational Technology & Society 5 (1) 2002; Shahram Izadi, Mike Fraser, Steve Benford, Martin Flintham, Chris Greenhalgh, Tom Rodden, Holger Schnädelbach. Citywide: Supporting Interactive Digital Experiences Across Physical Space. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 6, Number 4 / September, 2002; Malcolm Mccullough. Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand. MIT Press 1998; Peter McLaughlin. What Functions Explain: Functional Explanation and Self-Reproducing Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2001.