Volume Magazine

Volume Magazine is a quarterly international magazine published in Amsterdam.

Volume Magazine is a project by Archis (Amsterdam), OMA (Rotterdam) and C-Lab (Columbia University, New York). Volume was created as a global idea platform to voice architecture, any way, anywhere, anytime.

Founded by Ole Bouman, Rem Koolhaas and Mark Wigley in 2005, Volume is set out to be not only a magazine, but also a studio and a school. Arjen Oosterman is the current editor-in-chief of Volume while Lilet Breddels is its director.

Volume is a dynamic experimental think tank devoted to the process of spatial and cultural reflexivity. It goes beyond architecture's definition of ‘making buildings’ and reaches out for global views on architecture and design, broader attitudes to social structures, and creating environments to live in. The project represents the expansion of architectural territories and the new mandate for design.

Many prominent architectural practitioners have worked in Volume's Amsterdam office in recent years, including Nick Axel, Amelia Borg, Brendan Cormier,[1] Rory Hyde,[2] Timothy Moore,[3] and Simon Pennec.