Volunteer (Irish republican)

A volunteer is a member of various Irish republican paramilitary organisations. Among these have been the various forms of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA),[1] and the Irish People's Liberation Organization (IPLO).[citation needed] Óglach is the equivalent title in the Irish language.[2]

  1. ^ See for example (from a Republican Sinn Féin website): "Cumann Mac Curtáin / Mac Suibhne, Corcaigh: Belfast Brigade 25th Anniversary of H-Block Hunger Strike 1981–2006". Republican SINN FÉIN Poblachtach. Archived from the original on 30 December 2006. Retrieved 6 March 2024.
  2. ^ https://www.focloir.ie/en/dictionary/ei/volunteer#volunteer__4