WECC Intertie Paths

Map of major Western North American power transmission paths
A line on Path 65, part of the Pacific DC Intertie.

The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) coordinates a number of high voltage power links in western North America.[1][2][3] These links, known as WECC Intertie Paths, are not necessarily single transmission line, rather they are interties between various areas. These areas can be quite distant, such as Path 65 between The Dalles, Oregon and Los Angeles, California or short such as Path 62 between Southern California Edison's Eldorado and LADWP's McCullough substations. These are currently numbered from 1 to 81, with a few numbers intentionally omitted.

  1. ^ "WECC PATH MAP" (PDF). WECC. Retrieved 6 May 2012.
  2. ^ "WECC Path Reports" (PDF). WECC. Retrieved 6 May 2012.
  3. ^ "Path Reports Combined" (PDF). wecc.biz.