Wagstaff prime

Wagstaff prime
Named afterSamuel S. Wagstaff, Jr.
Publication year1989[1]
Author of publicationBateman, P. T., Selfridge, J. L., Wagstaff Jr., S. S.
No. of known terms44
First terms3, 11, 43, 683
Largest known term(2138937+1)/3
OEIS index
  • A000979
  • Wagstaff primes: primes of form (2^p + 1)/3

In number theory, a Wagstaff prime is a prime number of the form

where p is an odd prime. Wagstaff primes are named after the mathematician Samuel S. Wagstaff Jr.; the prime pages credit François Morain for naming them in a lecture at the Eurocrypt 1990 conference. Wagstaff primes appear in the New Mersenne conjecture and have applications in cryptography.

  1. ^ Bateman, P. T.; Selfridge, J. L.; Wagstaff, Jr., S. S. (1989). "The New Mersenne Conjecture". American Mathematical Monthly. 96: 125–128. doi:10.2307/2323195. JSTOR 2323195.