Walthard cell rest

Histology of a Walthard cell rest in a fallopian tube with typical features (H&E stain):
- Cyst (may also be solid nest) of transitional type epithelium.
- Eosinophilic luminal secretions.
- Uniform nuclei with irregular borders and nuclear grooves (insert image).
Micrograph of a cystic Walthard cell rest (lower right of image) within the connective tissue of a fallopian tube (tubal epithelium – upper left of image). H&E stain.

Walthard cell rests, sometimes called Walthard cell nests, are a benign cluster of epithelial cells most commonly found in the connective tissue of the fallopian tubes, but also seen in the mesovarium, mesosalpinx and ovarian hilus.