Washington Saengerbund

Washington Saengerbund logo

The Washington Sängerbund is a German choral society founded in 1851 in Washington, D.C. About 50 active singers make up the mixed chorus, which forwards a tradition of preserving German music and German culture in the Washington Metropolitan Area with numerous concerts and musical performances during the year, often in conjunction with other groups. A Spring Concert, a Fall Concert and a traditional German Christmas Concert at United Church on 20th and G St, Washington, D.C. are part of the repertoire. An annual Masquerade Ball at Mardi Gras time and participation at the local Oktoberfest celebrations are some of the other activities.

The Washington Sängerbund's mission statement is to preserve German song and the German language. The organization cultivates the study of music and instructs the members in choral singing and in the theoretical knowledge of music.