Weapon dance

The weapon dance employs weapons—or stylized versions of weapons—traditionally used in combat in order to simulate, recall, or reenact combat or the moves of combat in the form of dance, usually for some ceremonial purpose. Such dancing is quite common to folk ritual on many parts of the world. Weapon dancing is certainly ancient; among the earliest historical references we have are those that refer to the pyrrhichios, a weapon dance in ancient Sparta, in which the dance was used as a kind of ritual training for battle.[1]

Related to weapon dances and war dances is the dance of the hunt. A very early reference to a weapon dance of the hunt comes in the form of a rock carving at Çatal Höyük, the large neolithic settlement in south-central Anatolia. It depicts a hunting ritual involving dancers holding their bows; one figure has a bow in each hand, two perform artistic leaps and another holds a horn-shaped stick and is striking a frame drum.[2]

  1. ^ Constantinidou, Soteroula (Spring–Summer 1998). "Dionysiac Elements in Spartan Cult Dances". Phoenix. 52 (1/2): 15–30. doi:10.2307/1088242. JSTOR 1088242.
  2. ^ "Anatolia-Neaolithic". Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press. ISSN 0031-8299.