Western Skou languages

Western Skou
Inner Skou, Nuclear Skou
West Vanimo Coast
Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Linguistic classificationSkou
  • Western Skou

The Western Skou or Inner Skou languages form a branch of Skou languages. They are spoken in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea. They are called Western Skou by Donohue (2002), Inner Sko by Foley (2018), and West Vanimo Coast by Usher (2020).[1]

The languages are,

Skou, Vanimo, Wutung, Leitre
  1. ^ Donohue, Mark. 2002. Which Sounds Change: Descent and Borrowing in the Skou Family. Oceanic Linguistics 41. 171-221.