Where the Pelican Builds

Where the Pelican Builds is a poem by Australian poet Mary Hannay Foott. It was first published in The Bulletin magazine on 12 March 1881,[1] and later in the poet's collection Where the Pelican Builds and Other Poems (1885).

E. S. Wilkinson, in "The Brisbane Courier" in 1932, writes that the poem was inspired by the story of two brothers, Cornelius and Albert Prout. These men, who came from Sydney originally, had moved to Queensland to work on the land and over the years tended to move further west looking for "some fine country" they could take up. In December 1877 they set off from western Queensland towards the South Australian/Northern Territory border area and were never heard from again. Mary Hannay Foott, who lived in the region from where the men set out, heard the tale from the grieving parents, and based this poem on the brothers' search.[2]