White Night festivals

Ploshchad Vosstaniya in Saint Petersburg 28 June 2006 at 11 p.m., demonstrating the degree of sunlight present during White Nights

The White Nights are all-night arts festivals held in many cities in the summer. The original festival is the White Nights Festival held in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The white nights is the name given in areas of high latitude to the weeks around the summer solstice in June during which sunsets are late, sunrises are early and darkness is never complete. In Saint Petersburg, the Sun does not set until after 10 p.m., and the twilight lasts almost all night.

The White Nights Festival in Saint Petersburg is famous for fireworks and Scarlet Sails, a show celebrating the end of school year.[1] Other festivals following this lead have arisen using names such as White Night, Light Nights or Nuit Blanche which may be held in the winter as opposed to the summer.

  1. ^ "Video of 2007 White Nights Festival". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-12-15.