Wikipedia:500th language pool

Closed pools
Half-million pool
666,666th pool
Million pool
Two-million pool
Four-million pool
Five-million pool (1)
Five-million pool (2)
Six-million pool
6,666,666th pool
Millionth topic
Two-millionth topic
Three-millionth topic
Five-millionth topic
Six-millionth topic
300-million edits
Billionth edit
Five-thousandth FA (1)
Five-thousandth FA (2)
1000th Wikimedia wiki
Closed for voting
Seven-million pool
Eight-million pool
Open for voting
7,500,000th pool
Nine-million pool
Ten-million pool
Eleven-million pool
Twelve-million pool
Thirteen-million pool
Fifteen-million pool
Twenty-million pool
Fifty-million pool
Hundred-million pool
Billion pool
Eleventy-billion pool
Trillion pool
Quadrillion pool
100-million page pool
Seven-millionth topic
Eight-millionth topic
Nine-millionth topic
Ten-millionth topic
Eleven-millionth topic
Twelve-millionth topic
Thirteen-millionth topic
Fifteen-millionth topic
Last topic
1.5-billionth edit
Two-billionth edit
Last edit
Ten thousandth FA
500th language

This is a pool for guessing when the 500th language Wikipedia will be created, and what that language will be. This is not a serious pool. List of Wikipedias will be used to determine the winners. There will be two winners: the one who comes closest to the correct date, and the one who first predicts the correct language. The winners will be entitled to contribute mightily to the new edition. Losers are expected to contribute even more to that edition.

The current number of languages with active Wikipedia editions is 332. You can see an up to date figure on m:List of Wikipedias. The pool will close when the number exceeds 400.

Add subheadings below as necessary. You are not prevented from choosing languages that others have already chosen. You may comment on predictions so long as the comment is distinct from the prediction.

You may make up to 3 predictions, but each must concern a different language.