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Neologisms are new words and terms that generally do not appear in any dictionary. They may be widely used within certain communities. Protologisms are words that are not yet widely used.
It may be possible to find many facts about a particular term and show evidence of its usage on the Internet or even in larger society. It may be natural, then, to feel that Wikipedia should have a page devoted to this new term, but this is usually not the case. There are several reasons why articles on (or titled with) neologisms or protologisms may not be suitable for the encyclopedia:
In most cases, articles on neologisms get deleted. Articles on protologisms are almost always deleted as they are often created in an attempt to use Wikipedia to increase usage of the term. To this end, pages on neologisms are not being accepted by the Article Wizard at this time.
However, Wiktionary's inclusion criteria differ from Wikipedia's, and may cover neologisms that Wikipedia cannot accept.
If you are interested in writing an article on a neologism, you may wish to contribute it to our Wiktionary instead.
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