Wikipedia:Deferred changes

Deferred changes is a technical way to mark for review and if necessary delay the visibility of suspicious edits by new or unregistered users until they have been manually reviewed by an editor. The objective is to increase our reactivity to vandalism and other clearly inappropriate edits. An edit would be deferred for review when it matches an edit filter set to defer, when requested by a bot via the API, or when it is considered highly damaging by ORES. When an edit is deferred, all prior uninterrupted edits by the same user to the page are deferred for review as well. There are two types of 'deferrals'. If 'passive', the revision displayed to readers is still the latest revision as usual, but if 'active', the immediately preceding revision (the same revision that rollback reverts to) would be displayed as a preventive measure. The implementation is based on the flagged revisions extension and integrated with pending changes. All deferred edits would appear at Special:PendingChanges, which would provide the option to list only those actively deferred or from pending changes-protected pages, and could be reviewed by pending changes reviewers. When the page has a single author, and the edits can therefore not be deferred, it would be listed on a dedicated special page.[1]

  1. ^ Special:UnreviewedPages, not existing in the current implementation of FlaggedRevs.