Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages aren't articles

By the end of 2008, there were around 157,000 disambiguation pages in Wikipedia.[1] Disambiguation pages are a very useful tool on Wikipedia, but articles they are not.[2] While they are slightly encyclopedic (i.e. offering a short summary of the pages they disambiguate), they are certainly less so than images or portals, both of which are far more encyclopedic and offer a discussion of a defined, specific topic, which is much more in-line with the spirit of the Wikipedia article. Yet they both lie outside of the Article namespace. Almost 6% of pages in the Article namespace are disambiguation pages.[3]

The MediaWiki software should not class disambiguation pages as articles.

  1. ^ According to Category:All disambiguation pages
  2. ^ See Wikipedia:What is an article? for more information
  3. ^ As of the end of 2008: 157,718 / 2,676,847 = 5.892%