Wikipedia:Edit requests

Edit requests are requests for edits to be made to a page where editors cannot or should not make the proposed edits themselves. Requests should be accompanied by a clear and specific description of the requested change, and consensus should be obtained before requesting changes that are likely to be controversial. Requests are made using an appropriate talk page template (see making requests below). Clarity in edit requests is important, and providing the exact change in your request, if possible, will expedite the process.

When requested edits are found suitable and made to a page by the responder, copyright attribution must be provided in the edit summary, as instructed below.

Errors on the main page are a special case and should not be handled via standard edit requests. To report an error you have noticed on the current main page or tomorrow's main page, please add it to the appropriate section on Wikipedia:Main Page/Errors.

To request that an article be renamed or moved, see Wikipedia:Requested moves.