Wikipedia:Expectations and norms of the Wikipedia community

Wikipedia exists to create a neutral, high-quality encyclopedia. It is funded by donations from the public and other philanthropic bodies, and is not operated for profit, or for any interest group or social group's benefit.

People wishing to edit as part of the Wikipedia community should make themselves aware of the social norms and expectations that apply to all editors.

While anyone is welcome to edit Wikipedia, the purpose of that editing is to improve the encyclopedia, not to promote any personal agenda. Our community is founded on individual reputation and trust, and users should treat others respectfully, work together collegially, and avoid behavior related to editing that will be widely seen as unacceptable, disruptive, or dishonest.

This page does not cover content or content related policies beyond the scope of the section "purpose of editing".
Key points are listed. For the major policies, guidelines and essays on each of these, see below. For unfamiliar terms see the glossary.