Wikipedia:GLAM/National Archives and Records Administration/Guidelines

These are the internal guidelines that the National Archives has developed for all staff members who may edit Wikipedia in the course of their duties. They were originally developed because some of the following may be counterintuitive to NARA staff, since Wikipedia is a unique project unlike Facebook, Twitter, and other tools for citizen engagement. We recognize that the Wikipedia community is rightfully wary of conflicts of interest and paid editing. These are being published here in the interest of transparency, and to show that NARA is participating in Wikipedia in good faith and only after having given due consideration to the ethical issues surrounding its participation. This is not an official policy yet, though this is the current draft for a Wikipedia policy that is being developed by NARA, to go along with its other social media policies.

Note that these are intended to be concise (fit on one printed page). They are a guide, and not definitive or all-encompassing.