Wikipedia:GLAM/Oxford Food Symposium

The Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery is an annual conference about food and cooking in Oxford. Wikipedia editing and training happens there and also at associated events at the British Library.

PURPOSE: Our group aims to improve and expand Wikipedia’s coverage of food related topics, especially but not exclusively those related to women. We are part of a broader effort led by Wikipedia to redress imbalances in its current content. We embrace the need to more generally address neglected personalities and topics as well as to correct popularly received falsehoods that are rife in a field that has only recently received serious scholarly attention. We welcome participants of all backgrounds and experience levels. Our hope is that by doing so every contributor, from expert to student, can not only learn why and how to contribute to Wikipedia but also initiate an important dialogue between all involved in an area of study that after long neglect has so prominently entered into popularity.