Wikipedia:Guide to image deletion

Images may be deleted on Wikipedia if they do not conform to our image use policy or if they are no longer needed. The purpose of this page is to provide a brief overview of the procedures in place for deleting images or bringing them up for evaluation for inclusion. If you have specific questions, you should go to the most specific policy page related to your question for a prompt and accurate response. The primary avenues for image deletion or evaluation are speedy deletion, proposed deletion, and discussion on image usage (deletion or review).

While images may be deleted for many reasons, a frequent cause of concern is our legal right to display them. If you believe an image should be deleted for reasons related to copyright, licensing, or compliance with non-free content guidelines, please see the "Copyright concerns" section below. Problems not related to copyright or licensing are addressed under "Other concerns".

This page describes the process for deleting images hosted on the English Wikipedia – for deletion of images hosted at Wikimedia Commons, see Commons:Deletion policy. If an image is available on both projects, and it is deleted here, it's a good idea to also bring it up for deletion on Commons.