Wikipedia:Historical archive/Changing attribution for an edit

As of 2005, edits are no longer reattributed.

However, you may wish to consider the following options:

You may make a list of your contributions and post it to your new User page, or a subpage of it. If you have a static IP (all your edits came from the same IP address) you can easily copy this list from the Contributions page -- just click the "User contributions" link from the sidebar of the User or Talk page of the old IP (this takes you to Special:Contributions/(IP address)). If your contributions were made under many different IPs, you will have to assemble the list by hand.

If you have a static IP that will not be reused by others, you may redirect your anonymous User: and User Talk: pages to your new account.

  • Put a note at the top of your new User: and User Talk: page to explain the change.
  • This does not merge your contributions history; old edits will still be attributed to the old (IP) account, but anyone investigating those edits will be redirected to your new name.