Wikipedia:How many legs does a horse have?

It still has four legs.

Jack and the Five Legged Horse

My uncle once said, "Boy, do you see that horse?"


"How many legs does that horse have?"


"Now what if I say that a horse's tail is a leg, too?"


"If I call a horse's tail a leg, how many legs does that horse have?"


"Boy, will you never learn? It doesn't matter what you call something. That horse still has four legs."[1]

Sometimes when confronted with a difficult challenge we reply, That's not true! We say, That's not a (vanity COI page)/(rant)/(personal attack)/(tail); that's a (noteworthy article)/(discussion)/(polite comment)/(leg). But this changes nothing.

It's never enough to reply to a comment by saying You're wrong! That's not true! If it really is a leg, then show us how.

When arguing, make sure you add really new legs to your stand.

  1. ^ Hardcastle, Joseph (1883). "Criticisms on "A Criticism on Averaging Accounts."". American Counting-room. 7–8. Counting-Room Co.: 79. Jack! Suppose a horse's tail a leg, how many legs would it have?" "Five." "No." "How's that ?" "All your suppositions would not make the tail a leg." But if Bill had said to Jack: "Jack! Suppose a horse's tail is counted as a leg, how many counts, as legs, would there be for a horse ?' "Five." "Quite right, Jack.