Wikipedia:List of cabals

There is no Cabal
Composite image of a cabalist, based on witness accounts. Please note the villainous moustache and villainous arched unibrow.

This is a list of the cabals which dominate Wikipedia, ruthlessly abusing its content for their own evil purposes. All these cabals control the encyclopedia, and dictate its content, although it is unclear how all the different cabals can each control Wikipedia at once. It is likely that there is One True Cabal which secretly controls all the other cabals, but no one yet knows which cabal is this master-cabal. (Except, of course, the master-cabal members themselves.)

Many brave martyrs have risked their editing careers, nay, their very lives to expose these cabals. If you are aware of any other cabals, and you're feeling lucky, please add them to this list.