Wikipedia:Meetup/NARA 4

National Archives
Who should come? You should. Really.

Please join us for the National Archives ExtravaSCANza, January 4–7. The object of the event will be to scan historical documents of interest to Wikipedians, to help improve the quality of our content and provide access for those Wikipedians who cannot physically visit the National Archives. At the same time, we are assisting the National Archives in its digitization efforts, and all documents scanned will be added to NARA's online catalog by staff. See Wikipedia:Meetup/NARA 1 and Wikipedia:Meetup/NARA 2 for background on prior events.

This time, we will be doing things a little differently. We will forgo presentations, tours, or lunch and instead meet directly in the research room. With themed days, we will be less physically scattered within the building and more interested in the subject matter, which will lead to more fun and productive activity. It also means less being talked at and more time for informal socializing around the scanning tables. We will probably go out to dinner or a bar afterward, if there is interest.

The event is designed to be open-ended. Come whenever you can during the specified times, and don't feel like you need to arrive when it starts on a given day or stay until it ends. Important: if you are coming on a weekday and do not have a researcher card, you must come at least 15 minutes before 5 p.m., when registration closes, or you will not be able to enter the research room. Sign up below!