Wikipedia:Not Omniscient

The Socratic philosophy of The only thing I know is that I know nothing should resonate within the entirety of your being always. It is almost quixotic to know everything about Wikipedia, essays, policies, guidelines, technical areas, and whatnot. No matter how long you have been editing here, the sad reality is; you may never know everything. Your edit count and years of editing is of no relevance, you simply must accept that “You Do Not Know” thus, you must be willing to have an open mind and an attitude that is susceptible to learning and must be willing to learn from anyone regardless of whatever the circumstance may be. When you are in doubt and aren’t sure of something, you simply should ask, When you decide to edit here, as a matter of necessity, you must put your ego aside and see all editors here as “equals” any of which you can learn from. It is not a reproach to you when seeking knowledge from your co-editors, in-fact, it is concomitant with any good faith productive editor in this collaborative project and shows wisdom on their part. The real reproach and tragedy is to believe or think that you (know) whilst in actuality, (you do not know).