If you believe that something you have spotted on the English Wikipedia meets one of the criteria and should be suppressed, contact the Oversight team immediately by e-mail - even if you're not 100% sure if you're correct or not. DO NOT post any requests for suppression, or post any direct or indirect links to the content in question anywhere onto Wikipedia. You must remember that Wikipedia, by default, is a public space; adding this information will bring more public visibility to the information, causing increased attention and viewership as a result. This can potentially cause the information to become published elsewhere solely in order to maintain its visibility (also known as the Streisand effect). |
This is a list of frequently asked questions about Oversight and Suppression on English Wikipedia. Please note that these are intended to be general answers to common questions; if you are unsure of a specific case, it is always best to consult the Oversight team. As all cases are unique and no set of guidelines can be exhaustive, much here is being purposefully left to individual oversighter discretion.