
Right after the citation, right before the end [of the section], often shortened to racrbe is the most common position for wikipedia bs, including, but not limited to, truism, factoids, personal opinion, nonsense and mindless repetitions. The end-position is privileged for several reasons:

  • Editors too lazy to read the whole paragraph, but still motivated enough to read the title will naturally put their edits here, instead of guessing where to place them within the existing text. Editors this lazy, of course, never provide sources.
  • Cranks, and other editors aware of the fact that their edits have no valid sources tend to place them right after a valid citation, in the hope that its authority will rub on their words. If they put such edits before the end of the paragraph, they could be deleted as not supported (not that this happens often: as a matter of fact, people freeriding sources almost always get away with it)
  • Argumentative editors, who have an extremely high bs rate, have a Last Word fetish.

Wikifairies, as well as all fastidious editors, and even bots, should keep an eye on the general area: it allows them to do productive work, often, without actually having to read the article.