Wikipedia:Reference desk/Guidelines

The Wikipedia reference desk attempts to provide services comparable to those of a library reference desk. Questions posed by users are answered by other Wikipedians, also called "respondents". The aim of the following guidelines is to clarify what are considered appropriate responses.

We expect responses that not only answer the question, but are also factually correct, and to refrain from responding with answers that are based on guesswork. Ideally, answers should refer (link) to relevant Wikipedia articles, or otherwise cite reliable sources. As always, any responses should be civil and avoid anything that could be seen as disrespectful or even remotely be considered a personal attack or ad hominem. Many questioners will be newcomers, and the reference desk should be a friendly and welcoming place.

No question should be answered with professional advice on medical or legal matters, or advice that might be construed as medical advice or legal advice. An answer that contains professional advice on medical or legal matters is likely to be removed from the reference desk. Removal of a question from a reference desk is discouraged but in the case of a seriously inappropriate question, the reference desk community might agree to remove the question in accordance with WP:RD/G/M#Dealing with questions asking for medical advice.