Wikipedia:Repetition in argumentation

Collect's law of repetition

The person who posts the greatest amount of repeated verbiage to a discussion is least likely to be correct.

Proof by assertion is the practice of repeating an argument or proposition until challenges to it "dry up", thus creating a logical fallacy, and often a filibuster or stonewall effect. This is also called "perseveration" – persevering in repeating the same premise.

Other terms for it are "proof by repetition", and "Bellman's proof", after Lewis Carroll's usage. In each case, the act of repetition has nothing to do with the real strength of an argument.

Such repetition in argumentation should be avoided on Wikipedia's talk pages.

Occasionally, one finds editors who dominate a talk or process page in this manner. When one person in a well-discussed topic has provided a quarter or more of the posts (often comprising half the total verbiage), this may indicate a problem with perseveration. It is frequently a symptom of tendentiousness.

The problem is akin to the "too long; didn't read" (TLDR) issue. While that is not the same as proof by repetition, it has the same basic outcome – wearing down other editors. A prolix editor may feel their points are not addressed, but it may be only because other editors do not wish to deal with the repetition. Editors are not obligated to answer every argument, and are likely to ignore rehash.

A related fallacious technique is called ad nauseam – arguing incessantly (whether with redundant statements or new but irrelevant digressions to fuel the conflict) until everyone else walks away in disgust. This often implicates the policies that Wikipedia is not a battleground nor a soapbox; see also the "drop the stick" principle.

An especially annoying variant is the Gish gallop, in which someone tries to "win" an argument by posting point after point so that no one can keep up. This is especially disruptive on Wikipedia; repeated edit conflicts make it difficult to post responses people actually bothered to write, and even one massive post making 20 points when 5 would do hinders resolution.

In each case, the advice remains: "proof by repetition" is invalid, and repeating the same arguments does not help to achieve a consensus.

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.