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Origin of Malankara Church of God Thrikkannamangal


Pastor Kalloor John Mathew

Thrikkannamangal,Kottarakara,Kerala, India


This article recaps the origin of Malankara Church of God in Thrikkannamangal, Kerala. In early 20th century pioneers from the United States visited India and spread the Pentecostal message. The Christian experiences of the early church were lost through intermingling with the Non- Christians and traditions. A revival was reestablished as a result of the American Missionaries who came to India. The theme of the paper is as written in Mathew 16: 18,”I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The arrival of Saint Thomas the apostle of Jesus Christ to India, and a brief history of the Pentecostal church in the 20th and the 21th century is presented.


This article is not be confused with any other Churches, which has the Malankara pre-fixation. The purpose of this article is to trace out the first proclamation of Pentecostal message in the early 20 th century. An American Baptist missionary George E. Berg went to north India in 1901. Berg returned to America and was baptized with the Holy Spirit in 1908 at Azusa Street, California. Along with Brethren missionaries, Berg attended the convention at Thrikkannamangal in 1909 and proclaimed Pentecostal message. The same message was repeated during the convention in the following year1910 and Brethren missionaries opposed the Pentecostal message. However, along with Cummins, a native missionary, Berg delivered the same message in the convention at Thrikkannamangal in 1911.Brethren believers from Thuvayur came to Thrikkannamangal during 1911 and along with them, Berg visited their place and Pentecostal message delivered during the convention conducted, many received Holy spirit. As a result the first Pentecostal church was started there.

Berg went to U S A during the year 1912 to attend World Pentecostal conference at Azusa Street.AS Berg initiated Robert F. Cook while they met at Azusa Street, to come to India and they reached Bangalore in 1913 and started missionary work by the end of December. They continued the work in Tamil Nadu and Travancore in 1914 and established Churches. During the World War Cook restricted his work at Bangalore till the war ended and started his work from 1917 onwards in Travancore and Tamil Nadu. Cook shifted his centre of work from Bangalore to Thrikkannamangal in 1921. The Malayalam name given to the Pentecostal Church he started was "Malankara Poorna Suvisesha Sabha.” Later this name was changed to "Malankara Church of God Thrikkannamangal" and continued as an independent church.

Definition of Malankara

The word Malankara derives from the name of the island of Maliankara near Muzris, which according to tradition was the first place Thomas the Apostle arrived in India in AD 52. Initially the terms 'Malankara Christian' or 'Malankara Nassaranis' were applied to all Saint Thomas Christians, but following the split the term was generally restricted to the faction loyal to Mar- Thoma 1, distinguishing from the Catholics faction. Later many of the Churches that subsequently branched off have maintained the word in their names. 1 [1]


Thrikkannamangal is a suburb around the city of Kottarakara in Kollam district of Kerala State in India.The town is named so because it was the direction that kings of old, standing in their palace, would face in the morning. Kollam was the seat of the Desinganad kings. Kollam had mercantile relationship between Phoenicians and Romans. The city of Kottarakara is named so because it served as a place for the king's "kottaram" or palace. Kottarakara is famous as the place where the classical dance form of kathakali originated. It was also the capital of Elayidath- Sawaroopam. The Mahaganapathi Temple famous for its unniappam is one of the most venerated Ganesh Temples in Kerala. Kottarakara consits of people from manypolitical leanings and religious faiths. There is strong Hindu as well as Christian presence. The Muslim population, though significant is not as large as Hindus or Christians. Kathakali has its own museum at Thrikkannamangal. Kathakali, a form of dance originated in Kottarakara by Kottarakara Thampuran. An ancient Srikrishna Temple exists at Thrikkannamangal. Low caste people were welcomed with open doors by Mahatma Gandhi on Jan 31, 1937, soon after the proclamation issued by Maharaja Sri Chithra Thirunal Balarama Varma, and his Dewan Sri C. P. Rama Swami Iyer in 1936. 2 [2]

History of Temple entry proclamation

In 1896, an Ezhava Memorandum signed by more than 13,000 representatives of the Hindu Ezhava community of Travancore, in Kerala was submitted to the government. The memorandum contained the request to the Maharaja to recognize the right of the Ezhavas to enter Government service jobs, which the upper caste Hindus of the state prevailed upon. In dejection, many of the Ezhavas embraced Christianity, making the Christian population of Travancore increase from six lakhs in 1901 to 17 lakhs by 1931.3 [3]

One of the unique points of modern history tied to Thrikkannamangl is that it served as the launching pad for the Pentecostal movements that has now spread throughout India. The American missionary George E. Berg and Robert F. Cook were received in to this place by the late Kalloor John Chacko, one of the patriarchs of the Kalloor family, from beginning of their work.

Syrian Churches in Kerala

St Thomas the apostle of Jesus Christ is believed to have landed in AD 52, in Cranganore, near Cochin. F. E. Keay in his book recorded that even before Christ; Cochin had trade connections with Middle East and Palestine dealing with spices and luxury articles like ivory. St.Thomas preached Gospel to Jews community and Hindus. He brought many Jews and Hindu families to the faith. He established seven and half Churches in Cranganore (Maliankara) Chawghaat (Palayoor), Parur near Alwaye, Gokamanglam, Niranam, Nilakal (Chayal), Quilon (Kalyan), and Thiruvancode. Churches still exist in four oftheoriginalplaces4[4] St.Thomas is said to have ordained presbyters for the churches from four Brahmin families called Sankarapuri, Pakolomattam, Kali, and kalliankal. After this he went to Malacca and to China, and finally returned to Mylapure in Madras city where his preaching aroused the hostility of Brahmins. He was speared to death about 72 A D. 5 [5] The presence of a Bishop John from India is mentioned In the records of the council of Nic ea in AD 325. The Church history during 4TH to 15 th century reveals that it had friendly relations existed with the churches in Persia. According to tradition, in AD 345, a group of 400 people emigrated from Persia and came to Malabar with a merchant named Kanaye Thommen. More people came from Persia in AD 825 with Marwan Sabriso, a Persian merchant, and two Bishops named Mar Prodh, and Mar Sapro., whom landed in Quilon. King Cheraman perumal gave them land and extended special privileges, inscribed on two sets of copper plates called chepped in Malayalam. In the early periods,most of the Christian believers by race were Syrians and Persians. The Syrians and Persians intermingled with the people of India and became indianites.6 [6] Ecclesiastical link between the church in Malabar and the church in West Asia existed until the 16th century. The Bishops coming from the Babylonian patriarchate believed in the Nestorian doctrine. The Chaldean Syrian church is a Nestorian organization that exists at present in the city of Trichur. The Chaldean Syrian church has a relationship with Nestorian Patriarch.Despite ecclesiastical connections and support, the church in Malabar was independent in management under its own Archdeacons. The Portuguese began entering India with arrival of Vasco-de-Gama in AD 1498 and started control of the churches. For more than 50 years, the Malankara church was under the control of Rome.

In AD 1653, after 54 years of subordination to Roman Catholicism, the churches freed with the oath of Coonan cross and gained the loyalty to their ancient faith and traditions. Their dream was successful when their Archdeacon, Thomas was duly consecrated with title "Marthoma" in 1665 by MarGregorius of Jerusalem. Mar gregorius was associated with the Jacobite Patriarchate of Antioch. Yhomas was the first Indian Metropolitan.The connection with the Antioch Jacobites was resoted because of th affiliation with the Syrian church. The Malankara chursch was origianally known as the Syrian Church of Malankara.7 [7] After the arrival of missionaries from the Church Mission Society (CMS) of London, the Malankara Syrian church associated with them. Gradually, doctrinal differences of opinion arose among the two groups and the relationship began to fade resulting in separation. The CMS gaine d membership with the new converts The Syrians who joined eventually formed a branch of the Church of England known as the Dioceses of Travancore and Cochin in 1789. Further reformation took place under the leadership of Palakunnathu Abraham Malpan of Maramon (1 796-1845) and Kaithayil Geevarghese Malpan of Puthupally (1800-1855). Some people in the church insisted that non-Biblical practices and coustoms, which had crept into the church over the centuries be removed. Litigation between reformed group and original group for the possession of individual churches existed for many years. The reformed group acquired Maramon and Kozhenchery churches by court verdict and Kottrakara church without contest. Five churches were to be shared by both parties conducting worship on alternate Sundays. Reformed group put up small sheds in other places for worship. Though the reformed group lost their property; they influenced the people to spiritual revival and enjoyed great joy in the new situation. In 1864 Mathew Mar Athanasius Metropolitan allowed Ammal, the daughter of a famous Tamil convert, Vedanayak Sastri, to visit the churches and inspire the people through the Christian songs. 8 [8]

Translation of Bible into Malayalam Language

Until the 18th century, Malayalam translation of the Bible was not available but the Syrian and Latin language Bibles were available. William Carey translated Bible into four North Indian languages, after his arrival in India in1793. Ambitious to translate Bible into more Indian languages, Claudius Buchanan vice principal of Calcutta College, and Anglican Church Bishop Benjamin Bialy came to Kerala in 1806. In 1807 they translated four Gospels into Malayalam. A Tamil Pandit,Thimappa pillai and Manangnaziyathu Philiphose Rabban helped translate the Bible. The Malayalam Bible was printed in Kuriyar press, Bombay. In 1917 Benjamin Bialy began to translate the whole Bible into Malayalam. Moses, Vaidhyanatha Iyer, and Chanthu Menon joined to help translate. Astonishingly, Chanthu Menon of Ottapalam and his two sons Padmanaba Menon and Govindan kutty Menon received baptism before the completion of translation. They received the names Joseph Fen, Bialy Fen and Baker Fen respectively. In 1824 Bialy printed the Gospel of Mathew in CMS press, Kottayam. The New Testament was printed in 1829 and the Old Testament in 1835. The full Bible was printed in 1841. The Full Bible which we use now was printed in 1910. 9 [9]

Spiritual Revival in South India

Anthony Norris Groves, professionally a dentist and one of the founder leaders of Plymouth Brethren movement in England arrived in India in 1835 and established a missionary team in Madras. Groves's activities centered in Bihar, Godavari area of Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. Groves returned to England in 1852 and fell asleep in Jesus, at 12 noon on Friday May 20 th 1853. His missionary career influenced his Indian disciple John Arulappan, who created an expanding network of indigenous Christian fellowships in the Madura dist, Tamil Nadu. Great revival with outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place in Christianpettah in Tirunelvely District in 1860. Mathai a CMS Evangelist from Tirunelveli who was a disciple of Arulappan came to Travancore where they experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Travancore in 1874-75. During both services, charismatic gifts such as prophesy Including glossolalia, glossographia and interpretation of tongues, prayer for the sick, falling down and shaking, as well as restoration of the offices of Apostle and prophet were experinced.

Justus Joseph also known as Vidhuvankutty Achen, was a Brahmin convert and a scholar. On 26 November 1865 Justus Joseph received ordination as a deacon in the CMS Church. He was attracted by the revival message and began to conduct revival meetings around Mavelikara. During the middle of the nineteenth century many Hindu customs and superstitions that prevailed in the Christian religious life consisted of certain ceremonies, rituals and festivals. Offering were made in honor of the saints to avoid calamities and to gain personal affairs. Special festivals were held on the feasts of certain saints and the images of saints were taken in procession to please them.

Vidhuvankutty Achen found these superstitions and rituals to be against the teachings of the Bible and conducted revival meetings in and around Mavelikara, Kannettil and other places in Travancore. His talent of singing and revival meetings attracted many people irrespective of denominations and religion. In his meetings many people committed their life for Christ. Everywhere, there arose a revival and people began to sing and dance and rejoice in Lord. A great revival took place in Syrian Churches. Though the church does not agree with some of his teachings, due to his revival meeting, great awakening among the Christians happened and many began to read Bible to understand the truth. In 1873, 1119 copies of the Bible were sold in Kerala, but in 1874 the number increased to 3034. This growth of readers of the sc ripture led to the growth of moral standard of Christians and many turned away from alcoholism, witchcraft, magic, and stealing. People began to spend more time in reading the Bible, Prayer, fasting, and many lives were transformed.

According to the most Rev. Dr. Juhanon Mar Thomas, Vidhuvankutty Achen (Yustus Joseph) had a vital role in the Revival movement of the Marthoma Church. The spiritual revival started by a preacher Mathai Upadesi and carried on by Rev. Yustus Joseph a famous scholar and musician and a Brahmin convert had its influence throughout the central Travancore. He wrote many Malayalam revival songs. Sthuthipin Sthuthipin, Yeshu Devane was written by him, this song is sung every year to conclude the final meeting of the Maramon convention by the congregation. This practice started in 1895 and still continues. He founded the Church called "Youyomaya Sabha". This group made controversial predictions and has not flourished progressively. 10 [10]

In December 1894, a well-known preacher from Tamil Nadu, known as Tamil David and Wordsworth become the leaders of the revivalism. They visited Kerala and preached about salvation at Puthencavu. During this meeting an 11 year old young boy named K. V. Simon accepted Jesus as his savior. Maramon convention began in 1895. The spirit of revivalism was continued by the blessed leaders like CMS missionary Rev. Thomas Walker from Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, Punchamannil Mammen Upadeshi, and Muthampackal Kochukunju upadesi. In 1896, Groves.J.J.Gregson, the famous Keswick convention speaker, a Baptist missionary came to Kerala for the Maramon convention. Many accepted Jesus as the savior and many priests and laymen took baptism. Because of Gregson's success, the church leaders barred him.

In the year 1897 P. E. Mammen (Kumbnattachen) Vicar received baptism from a Brethren missionary Handily Bird. In 1899 P.C. Mammen was baptized. Separate worship was conducted in the residence of Kuttyil Mathai. This meeting was interrupted, due to opposition. Regular worship meeting was started at Kavaungprayar on 3 rd Sept 1899. In 1906 V. Nagal started his ministry in Nellikunnu Trichur. In Dec 25 th 1915 K.V. Simon was expelled from Marthoma Church due to preaching of baptism. This was the significant turning point in the Brethren movement in Kerala. On 20 th Jan 1929 K.V. Simon joined with the movement of Mr. Noel and P.E. Mammen resulting the united movement paving the foundation of Brethren assemblies in Kerala.

Spiritual Revival in North India

As a result of renewed European missionary fervor that began in 1897, and enriched by the Welsh Revival (1904) a series of revivals swept across India during 1905-1906. This awakening encompassed most protestant groups, including Anglican (CMS) Baptist, Danish Lutheran mission society, Church of Scotland, Methodists, Brethren and all reformed churches. Confession of sin and prayer storms, hours spent in fervent and loud prayer, followed with Pentecostal-like phenomena including prophecies, dreams, visions ad accounts of visible "tongues of fire". This revival was more dynamic at Pandita Remabais' "Mukti mission" at Kedgaon in Maharashtra state. One of the greatest out pouring of the Holy Spirit in modem time happened in her orphanage of child and widows. However, none of these denominational revivals came out of their four walls and developed into separate Pentecostal churches anywhere in India.

Beginning of Pentecost Church

The first "Pentecostals" in the modern era originated in 1901 in the city of Topeka, Kansas whwre a former Methodist Pastor need Charles Fox Parham a holiiness teacher conducted a Bibnle school. The movement began during the first day of 1901 just as the world entered the 20th century. The first person to be baptized in the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking in tongues was Agnes Ozman, one of Parham's Bible school students. This made the Pentecostal movement of the twentieth century. This awakening spread rapidly to all parts of America. A three year revival meeting under leadership of William J. Seymour started at Azusa street mission in Los Angeles from 1906-1909 that attracted believers from around the world.

George E. Berg, was a independent American missionary of German descent, came to India in 1901, and went to the United States in 1908, where he received the Spirit of baptism at Azusa street mission. He returned to India in Bangalore, in 1909 and came to the convention at Thrikkannamangal accompanied with Brethren missionaries, Land, Bird Maynard, Musabai, Arthur and David. During this convention Berg spoke about the baptism of Holy Spirit, he received at Azusa Street, but Brethren missionaries opposed it. The following year 1910, accompanied with Brethren missionaries, Noel, David, Grander and Arthur, he came for the convention from Dec 13-20, at Thrikkannamangal and spoke about the baptism of Holy Spirit. Due to strong protest of Brethren missionaries, in 1911, he came along with a native missionary Cummins of an Anglo Indian and conducted convention. In this convention the main theme was about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many people accepted the revival message and were baptized with the Holy Spirit. During these visits he visited Thuvayur and conducted meetings there, at Brethren church, many Brethren people were anointed with Holy Spirit and received the doctrine of Pentecost and separate church was formed.

Berg went to America during the year 1912 to participate in the world Pentecostal conference conducted in Los Angeles. Robert F. Cook came there to pray for the sickness of his wife, and he was initiated by Berg to go to India. The following year1913 Berg and cook arrived at Bangalore. They started their missionary work by the end of December. In 1914 they traveled in train and stayed some days at Tirunelveli before going to kottarakara and to Thuvayur in Travancore and many people were baptized and joined the church. Because the World war started in 1914, Berg returned to USA, as he was a German descent.

Beginning of Thrikkannamangal Malankara Church of God

Missionary Cook stayed at Bangalore during the 1st World War and started his work again in 1917 at Tamil Nadu and Kerala. As a result of his work many people were converted and received baptism. He established Churches at Adoor, Vilakudy and Chaliakara estate at Punalur. While working among estate workers of Chaliakara and Ambanad, he had acquaintance with managers of the estate, who were Europeans. By this time he wanted to shift his residence from Bangalore to somewhere near Kottarakara. Through the estate managers he came to know one contractor Sri Geevargese Koshy, Vadakadathu Veed from Thrikkannamangal and he agreed to give his house for his stay. In 1921 he shifted his residence from Bangalore to villakonathu Bunglow at Thrikkannamangal. He made a temporary shed in the compound and started worship, great revival took place. Many people were converted and received baptism. Many sick people were healed and baptized with the Holy Spirit. He named the Church as”'Malankara Poorna Suvesha Sabha.” The work progressed, many churches were planted far and near places. Many Hindu people received Jesus Christ as savior and took baptism, among this were a Hindu blacksmith named Paulose, from Thrikkannamangal. At his residence he started a Bible study class and later it was shifted to Mulakuzha in 1926 and now it is known as Mount Zion Bible Seminary. During this time Kalloor John Chacko (Grandfather of the author) and his eldest son Thomas laid up with typhoid disease and Cook went to their house and prayed for them and God healed them. This was the turning point of them to be the believers of Pentecostal doctrine from Brethren church. In 1928, Kalloor Thomas and other six families joined together and purchased four cents of land nearby and constructed a hall for worship and the worship of Cook from the temporary shed was shifted to this hall. This is one of the first Pentecostal Churche s in Kerala, which was established by Cook. The Pastors of the church in different period were Cook, Charles Cummins, K.C. Chandy, A.R.T.Athisayam and M.K.Varghese. This has been continued till 1942 before division took place. One group remained at Malankara church and the other group under the leadership of Cook bought land at the present place and made a hall where full Gospel Church of God is meeting.

In 1936 Cook joined with the Full Gospel Church of God, Cleveland in America. Many of his co-workers parted with him and formed their own Churches such as the Indian Pentecostal Church (IPC) and Ceylon Pentecost Mission (CPM). The CPM subsequently became The Pentecostal Mission (TPM). From 1942 the Ceylon Pentecost mission (now known as The Pentecost Mission) under the leadership of Pastor Paul and Alvin continued worship at Malankara Church of God, Thrikkannamngal till 1946. Pastors of the Church during this period were Vengur Daniel and Chengalam C. Kochukunju. In 1946 they shifted to Pulamon, since they needed more accommodation. From 1946 December the Malankara Church joined with a group of fellowship Known as the Church of God (Dheiva Sabha) formed by A.R.T.Athisyam, Ashtamudi Oomachen, Kalayapuram Mathaichen, Kuriyannoor Thomachen and Mepral Enoch and so on. In 1984, this former Pentecost Church at Thrikkannamangal was registered as per societies Act 1955 as "Malankara Church of God Thrikkannamngal". This Church has some branches in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Doctrine of the Malankara Church of God Thrikkannamangal

1)Repentance, 2) Justification, 3) Glorifications, 4) Holiness, 5) Water Baptism, 6) Filling of Holy Spirit, 7) Spiritual Gifts and Fruits, 8) Healing of sick by the blood of Jesus Christ, 9) Washing of saints' feet and Lord's Supper in night, 10) Tithing and giving for Lord's work, 11) Second coming of Jesus Christ, 12) Resurrection, 13) Eternal life for righteous and eternal punishment for wicked, 14) Total abstinence from all liquor, use of tobacco in any form, opium, morphine and other drugs, 15) Worship on Sunday and fasting and prayer meeting in other days, 16) Not wearing any ornaments, 17) Divorce is strongly discouraged and re-marriage is not allowed while husband or wife is alive.

Jesus Christ performed the Lord's Supper with his disciples during the night on the Passover day in lieu of Passover to be kept by Israel as an ordinance in an appointed time (Exodus 12: 24, Num 9:5, Luke 22:14-20, John 13: 4-17). Really the Passover Lamb was Christ who is sacrificed for us (1 Cor 5:7) This is an ordinance of Church which was followed by his disciples and it is recorded in N T (Acts 20: 7-11,1 Cor 11: 23-26) Paul received it as a revelation from Jesus Christ.

Proof in the History of Christianity

In the first century two services were held on the first day of the week in which Christ rose from the dead (Acts 20: 7; 1 Cor. 16:2). Worship service was conducted in the morning and the love of feast preceded the communion (Lord’s Supper) during the evening service.11 (Earle E. Cairns 1996, P 84)

During the seventeenth century it is recorded that a group of people among the Baptist Church known as Vinnebrannier in Germany kept the Lord's Supper at night with feet washing and greetings of brothers with a holy kiss. 12 [11] Henry Groves wrote about a revival in 1860 in South India in Christian petta village and surrounding places in the present Tamil Nadu. Many believers took part in fasting and prayer on Sunday and participated in the Lord's Supper at night.13 [12] Other Churches that follow the same process include the Genida Church of God, Retinapuri, Coimbatore and Full Gospel Church of God in Palayamcotta. All Churches under the leadership of Pastor P.M. Thomas, Trichur known in Malayalam language as ” Daiva Sabha” (Church of God) and most of the churches in Trivandrum Dist.


The spiritual experience that occurred in America on January 1, 1901, the first day of twentieth century, reached Thrikknnamangal in 1909, through the missionary work of George E. Berg and subsequently, established, by Robert F. Cook was supported accepted and propagated while the traditional Churches strongly opposed it. Former Fathers, especially Kalloor Chacko who received the first missionary Berg and later supported Cook for the progress of revival ministry, faced much opposition from the traditional Churches and despite that, fire of the revival Spirit was spread to other places in Kerala and all over India. Thrikkannamangal is the place of the glorious beginning of modern Pentecostal revival.

In completing a century in 2009, the centenary celebration was celebrated by all the Pentecostal Churches on 20th of December 2009. The century convention was conducted by Malankara Church of God Thrikkannamangal, from December 23 to 26. It is a great privilege and appreciation that the people of Thrikkannamangal, especially, Malankara Church of God played a vital part for the task of propagations of Pentecostal revival. Kalloor Chacko and his part in the beginning stage of the ministry are recorded in the Brethren Church history by K.V.Simon, and in the autobiography of Pastor K.E. Abraham and in the history of Pastor T.K.Varghese in "Ekanayi Kalnadayayi." All honor and thanks goes to the almighty that was with the people of Thrikkannamangal who worked for the great Pentecostal revival and supported for the spread of the spiritual experience.



1 Robert Eric Frykenberg, "Christianity in India from beginning to present," Oxford University Press, 2008. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Malankara Church 2 Temple Entry Proclamation/facebook. Tourism South Indian Cinema,, Malayalam Maathirboomi Weekly 2001 Aug 12-18 Retrieved from http://www Kerala com/keralatourism.kerala.php?t=158&sid= 3 Bard Well L. Smith 'Religion and Social Conflict in South Asia'-P. 42.Google Books. Retrieved from http  :// bardwell-l-smith.jsp 4 Seven and Half Churches (Ezharapallikal). Retrieved from 5 C B. Firth 'An Introduction to Indian Church History' ISPCK, Post Box 1585 Kashmiri Gate, Delhi-110006.p18 6 Most Rev Juhanan Mar-Thoma, Christianity in India and brief history of the Marthoma Syrian Church 1989 7 Ibid. (ibidem) 8 Ibid.(ibidem) 9 Collections from Christian Periodicals, Good News and Maranatha. 10 Ibid.18(C B.Firth) 11Earle E. Cairns, Christianity through the Centuries, Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530, 1996.P 84 12 C.E.Abraham M A-DD, “History of Church”, Christian Literature Society Post Box 501.Park Town,Madras- 31966, 1966.P,225. Retrieved from 13 Henry Groves, son of A.N. Groves writing in the Watchman for July 1860.(Steward monthly publication, June 2007, by Mohan P David, Moriah, Kasargod, kerala.


Abraham C E,Rev Dr MA,DD. "Church History" The Christian Literature Society, Malayalam Branch, Tiruvalla, Post Box 501,Park Town. Madras 3, 1966. Cairns E. Earle, "Christianity Through the centuries", Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigen-49530,1996 Firth C B," An Introduction to Indian Church History "Published for The senate of Serampore College by ISPCK-2000,Post Box 1585,Kashmiri Gate, Delhi 110006. George E. Berg Missionary Chicago Ancestry"Pentecostal Revival in History" Juhanan Mar-Thoma Most Rev, "Christianity in India and brief history of the Marthoma Syrian Church" Marthoma Sabha Directory(1999) Pub, The publication Board of the Marthoma Chuch, Thiruvalla, Kerala. Later Rain falling in the East-"Twentieth Century Pentecostalism in India" and the Debate over speaking in History articles-Sep 1999 Robert Cook-Wikipedia the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia,orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Robet-f Robert Eric Frykenberg,"Christianity in India From beginning to the present" Oxford University press 2008. Simon KV, "History of Brethren Church in Malankara" (Malayalam) A K.V.S, Publication the Christavashram press, Manganam, kottayam,1938 Verghese Dr Habel G," Ekanayi kalnadayayi"(Malayalam) the life story of Pastor T K.Varghese,Christian Literature Service "Shelter",Paruthipara,Trivandrum- 695015,Kerala,India 2003. (talk) 03:38, 30 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ^ Robert Eric Frykenberg ”Christianity in India from beginning to present “Oxford University press2008.
  2. ^ http://www php?t=158&sid=
  3. ^ Bard Well L. Smith “Religion and Social Conflict in South Asia” P 42 Google book
  4. ^ .Retrievedfrom ezaharappallikal/index.htm
  5. ^ C B Firth “An Introduction to Indian Church History” ISPCKP O Box1585 Kashmiri Gate,Delhi- 110006 P 18
  6. ^ Most Rev Juhanan Mar-Thoma ”Christianity in India and the brief history of Marthoma Syrian Church 1989
  7. ^ Ibidem of 6
  8. ^ ibidem of 6
  9. ^ Collections from Christian Periodicals, Good News and Maranatha
  10. ^ ibid p 18(C B. Firth),
  11. ^ C. E Abraham”History of Church”1966 P 225
  12. ^ Henry Groves,”Watchman for July1860, published by Steward monthly publication, June 2007