Wikipedia:Statement on Wikipedia from participating communications firms

On February 7, 2014 a roundtable discussion was held at Donovan House hotel in Washington, DC, bringing together individuals from Wikipedia's volunteer community and from digital practices of several of the world's leading public relations agencies (as well as academics), for a conversation about the complex relationship between these two very different groups. The conversation followed in the footsteps of previous efforts,[1] including the 2012 formation of Corporate Representatives for Ethical Wikipedia Engagement and publication of a best practices guideline by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.[2]

Following the Chatham House Rule, it was agreed that participants would be free to discuss the contents of the discussion afterward, while refraining from associating views with the name or affiliation of speakers, to allow for a frank and open discourse. A key outcome of the day's conversation was the agreement to work on a joint statement from participating agencies clarifying their views on Wikipedia, particularly expressing a respect for Wikipedia's goals, an intention to encourage deeper learning about the project across the corporate communications profession, a dedication to act in accordance with this understanding, a commitment to follow Wikimedia's Terms of Use, a commitment to the highest standards of disclosure, and an openness for an expanded dialogue to find areas for common ground and collaboration.

These agencies have articulated a clear message: they intend to do right by Wikipedia as well as their clients. While only one step in what may be a long process, this clear statement is also a necessary one. These agencies realize that the Wikipedia project's credibility and relevance come from its focus on accuracy and objectivity; therefore professional communicators' actions should always support those goals.