Breaking Bad, an American drama series, received more than two hundred awards and nominations. Created by Vince Gilligan, the series premiered on January 20, 2008, and broadcast sixty-two episodes before concluding on September 29, 2013. It stars Bryan Cranston (pictured) as Walter White, a chemistry teacher who decides to produce and distribute crystal meth with his former student Jesse Pinkman, a drug dealer portrayed by Aaron Paul. Upon release, the series was praised for its acting, characters, writing, direction, and cinematography. In 2014, it entered Guinness World Records as the most critically acclaimed show of all time. Throughout its run, the series was nominated for fifty-eight Emmy Awards and won sixteen. For their performances, Cranston won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series and Paul won three times for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series. The success of Breaking Bad led to the creation of the spin-off Better Call Saul and the 2019 film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie. (Full list...)