There are eleven episodes of Chartjackers, a British documentary television programme that ran for a single season in 2009. The series documents the lives of four teenage video bloggers—Alex Day (pictured), Johnny Haggart, Jimmy Hill and Charlie McDonnell—from the video-sharing website YouTube as they attempt to write, record and release a pop song by crowdsourcing through social media in ten weeks. When originally broadcast, the first ten episodes of Chartjackers, each five minutes in length, detailed the events of the previous seven days. The eleventh and final episode compiled highlights from the previous ten weeks into one 30-minute compilation. The series garnered a viewing figures peak of almost half a million with its final episode and was critically panned by reviewers. A cross-platform project, Chartjackers was distributed both on television and through online media – after being broadcast on BBC Two, each episode was available to view again through BBC iPlayer and on the YouTube channel BBCSwitch. (Full list...)