This is an essay. It contains the advice or opinions of one or more Wikipedia contributors. This page is not an encyclopedia article, nor is it one of Wikipedia's policies or guidelines, as it has not been thoroughly vetted by the community. Some essays represent widespread norms; others only represent minority viewpoints. |
This page provides some basic examples for how to write a fair use rationale. Good rationales might expand on why the non-free item is needed, why a free item cannot be used in its place, and what essential function it performs in each article in which it is to be used. Please modify the text so that it applies to the specific image and use of it. If the image is used in several articles, then include a separate rationale for each article. If the article text comments on the image itself, then write so because that strengthens the fair use claim. It may be preferable to use the template {{non-free use rationale}} when adding the fair use rationale. The examples below are generic and meant for reference, and are not meant to be copied verbatim to fair use media pages.