
The January 16, 2001 UuU article version seen with the Nostalgia skin.

This page, originally in the main namespace as UuU, contains what was the earliest surviving edit on the English Wikipedia (and hence any Wikipedia and project in the Wikimedia Foundation) prior to the importation of earlier edits in 2019. The edit was made on January 16, 2001, at 20:08:33 UTC. Earlier edits had been made to the English Wikipedia and were discovered in archives in 2010, but did not survive in page histories due to the unreliable nature of page histories kept by contemporaneous software.

Intended as a list of countries beginning with the letter "U", and particularly to add the United States to the list of countries, its odd title is a result of software considerations of the time. The page's creation survived due to the low activity on the page between its creation and the conversion of Wikipedia to software that kept page histories reliably. It was discovered as having Wikipedia's earliest surviving edit in 2004, and was moved to the "Wikipedia" namespace, gaining its prefix, in 2006. As the author has waived copyright for all his contributions to Wikipedia, the original revision is in the public domain.

As of July 30, 2019, the current earliest surviving edit to the English Wikipedia is the first edit present in the Starling logs, the creation of HomePage. An even earlier edit to Wikipedia, which was wiped from the servers and did not survive in the Starling logs, has been disclosed by Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales and was minted as a non-fungible token (NFT) in 2021.