Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Core topics/Supplement

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This is a listing of articles considered to cover "alternative core" topics not covered on the original core list, or topics considered "near to the core". Most of the list stems from several postings on the core topics discussion page and its archives. The listing is currently very rough, and initially contains duplications while it is being organised. Some of the suggestions made on these postings have also been added to the original core list, so these will have to be removed too.

The aim is to get a list of no more than 200 articles, to avoid simply duplicating work already done at WP:VA. We have about 296 as of February 17, 2008.

The short-term goals of this page are to:

  1. Coordinate assessments, with the table below, using articles taken from the suggestions given.
  2. Review all articles for Version 0.7, this is ongoing at Wikipedia:Version 0.7/Core supplement (June 2007).