Wikipedia:Viewing of deleted articles by non-administrators

This poll is now closed. Please do not vote. The final tally was:

Total Yes votes: 38
Free access: 13
Logged-in users: 20
Approved users: 6
No: 45

The voting and discussion are preserved below as a record.

Currently, in order to view a deleted article, you must be an admin. This is all or nothing, the only way non-admins can view deleted articles is to list a request to view each one on Wikipedia:Requests for undeletion. A number of people have requested access to deleted articles, but not full admin access. One Wikipedian had set up a script to allow this, however, no-one was ever given access to the script. RationalWiki has a functionally equivalent policy, in that it gives users the sysop bit after only a few days on the site.

The purpose of this page is to discuss whether any non-admins should have access to this page. This question is limited to the English Wikipedia. Any other projects should determine on their own whether or not to grant access. A discussion period will last until November 2, 2004. At that point a poll may be begun. The poll will look something like this: