Wikipedia:WikiProject AP Biology 2018

Seen here is a four step diagram depicting the usage of an enhancer. Within this DNA sequence, protein(s) known as transcription factor(s) bind to the enhancer and increases the activity of the promoter.
1. DNA
2. Enhancer
3. Promoter
4. Gene
5. Transcription Activator Protein
6. Mediator Protein
7. RNA Polymerase

A high school class in Maine - will contribute images to Wikipedia article and the commons until June 10, 2018. The collective goal is to contribute excellent biology diagrams to the Commons and to corresponding Wikipedia articles. This is done as part of an Advanced Placement Biology course. The lead editor is Chris Packard. This project is inspired by the 2009 Wikipedia AP Biology Project. There are many basic and important diagrams missing from biological articles and we're doing our part to fix this.

  • Students will work alone, there are 49 students so we should have 49 new images with captions and labels.
  • The time frame will be three weeks.
  • Students will be required to write a summary of why they select a topic; hopefully, eliminating obscure, random topic selections. They also must create labels and captions for their photos
  • They may add it to encyclopedia articles.
  • The best of the bunch will be submitted as Wikipedia featured pictures, see other candidates here. Featured images must be in .svg (vector) format.

Feel free to discuss this project. Please notify me of any concerns; especially if they involve the behavior of my students on Wikipedia. With a little patience, this should be an inspirational experience for all.