Wikipedia:WikiProject COVID-19/Article report

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This report provides previous-day page views and ORES article quality scores for all articles that transclude the COVID-19 template. The report will be updated daily, usually at around 14:00 UTC.

Some notes
  • Only pages in the article namespace are listed in this report.
  • Page view counts presented here exclude (most) bots and web spiders (see pageview API docs)
  • ORES article quality predictions are very accurate overall (i.e. they tend to match expert Wikipedian's judgements), however because ORES is 'trained' to expect that good-quality articles tend to follow a consistent format, these predictions may be less accurate for articles that are organized in non-traditional ways (e.g. different section structure, more or fewer images, more or fewer wikilinks and sources, etc.). Just something to keep in mind!
  • A 0 value in the "Page views" column generally means that this article was created or moved within the past 24 hours, so page view counts are not yet available.