Wikipedia:WikiProject Galatea

Project Galatea is a proposed community of Wikipedians interested in making large-scale, sweeping stylistic improvements to articles. It is meant to be a community of dedicated and competent writers advising, helping and encouraging each other in what is an extremely necessary, but difficult and often underappreciated part of creating high-quality Wikipedia articles.

Project Galatea is named after the statue brought to life by the sculptor Pygmalion.

  • Quarry: articles in need of a stylistic rewrite. Add needy articles here.
  • Workshop: a place for Galateans to discuss and advise each other, regarding both general stylistic issues or the style of a specific article.
  • Exhibit: examples of stylistically high-quality Wikipedia articles, completed works of Project Galatea contributors.
  • Sculptors: Project Galatea members, and the article they're currently working on. Add yourself here!
  • Tools: Logos, templates, etc.