Wikipedia:WikiProject Succession Box Standardization/Cheatsheet

The family of succession templates is one with many members, and each has a different name and function. On top of that, most templates also have parameters, the number of which may range from one to more than ten. The purpose of this page is to list the templates and their parameters in a simple way, and it can serve both as a useful introductory guide to succession templates for editors inexperienced in this field and as a practical reminder of the system's details to more seasoned contributors.

The list constitutes the second section of this page; the first section introduces the important concept of parameters and categorises them, so that their descriptions in the list can be brief. The mere mention of the categories' names can then tell the editors exactly how a parameter must be used. If you are already familiar with this classification or it does not affect your search, you can go straight to the list by clicking here or by using the table of contents below.

Reminder: To avoid causing lint errors and potential issues with page display, always finalize a sequence of succession box templates with s-end (except when ending with s-ref).